Sunday 21 May 2017

Year 11 composing.

Today we made our first blog post on the beginning of the composing process! ( If you haven't then get on to that asap!) The beginning stages of composing are important so that we can head in a creative direction that works for us. We have looked at a variety of styles of composing including hanging out with the wonderful Matt Barus a christchurch singer/songwriter. Hopefully this has lead everyone into a direction of composing that they are interested in! So, get ready for the composing process, keep the blogging/diary going and I look forward to hearing the beginnings of NZ's next greatest song!!

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Year 11 solo performances

This week, I would like you to research your first song choice for solo performances. It is important that we understand the music we are performing. Understanding the music and making a connection with your song is what makes the difference between getting an Achieved and an Excellence. You should know the following information about your song,
1. The original composer.
2. The performer of the version of the song you are doing.
3. What is the song about? What story does it tell? What can you do to show that in your performance.
Make sure you make a blog post on your research and add a link to the version of the song.

Sunday 14 May 2017

Keeping it up!!

Kia ora team, This is my teachers blog for all things Music. I will post once a week for each class. This will be mostly on what we have done that week, some next step ideas and some videos of the week.